Friday, June 24, 2011

Sojourners and Exiles Pt 2

"For through Him [Jesus Christ] we both have access in one Spirit to the Father.  So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord."  
                                                                                                                                  Eph 2:19-21

Last week I wrote about how the Apostle Peter says that we ARE strangers and aliens (exiles) based upon 1 Peter 2:11.  This week, I'm writing about the exact opposite based upon what the Apostle Paul has to say in Ephesians.  So, which is it?  Are we or are we not strangers and aliens (exiles)?

The answer is "Both."

And it all depends on your perspective as to which one is correct at the time.

If we are talking about where are home truly is as followers of Christ in regards to our time here on earth, whether that be 25 years or over 90 years, we are strangers and exiles.  This is not our permanent home; in fact, as citizens of heaven we are considered foreigners while here.

However, if we are talking about our former life as sinners who were separated from our King then we are no longer strangers and aliens.  While we (all Christians) are strangers and sojourners here on earth (because this is  not our permanent home) Paul makes sure that we know where we are citizens - in God's Kingdom (where we are now not strangers and aliens because of Christ's finished work).  We are fellow citizens with all the saints of all time with Christ Jesus being the cornerstone of both the Kingdom and Temple that we are being built into.

Additionally, though, Paul shows us that we are not simply citizens of this great Kingdom but we are also members of the household of God Himself!  Because of the finished work of our brother, Christ Jesus, the firstborn of God's creation, we are also considered family.  According to John MacArthur's commentary on this passage-
  "Heavenly citizenship and family membership are not distinct roles or positions but simply different    views of the same reality, because every Kingdom citizen is a family member and every family member is a Kingdom citizen."

So, regardless of where we physically abide while here on earth - even if it's in the same house for 50 years - we are sojourners and exiles because this is not our permanent home.  However, regardless of where we physically abide while here on earth we are no longer sojourners and aliens, in a spiritual sense, because we are now citizens of God's Kingdom and members of His own family!  Praise God for that great truth!

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