Friday, June 17, 2011

Sojourners and Exiles Pt 1

"Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul."
                                                                                                                                       1 Peter 2:11

"Sojourner (paroikous) literally means "alongside the house."  The word came to denote any person who lives in a country not his own and is theefore a foreigner.  The term fits Christians who do not belong to this world's system but live alongside those who do." (The MacArthur NT Commentary on 1 Peter)

As followers of Christ, even though Barb and I have lived in the US for over 40 years each, we are sojourners here.  The US and Georgia is not where our home is at nor where are eternal citizenship is.  As adopted sons and daughters of our King, God the Father, and as brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ, our home is in heaven - as is our citizenship.

As part of the long and arduous process of adopting our son, Pablo, our Sovereign King is calling us to make some changes/sacrifices -  most notably by changing the people that we live alongside with.

It is with great joy, excitement, expectation, and trepidation that we are sojourning with our entire family to the Dominican Republic to live alongside a different people group as we serve our great King and Father.  It is our hope that we can make Jesus more famous to those that we come alongside with and that many will grow in their love for and repentance towards Jesus because of this journey He has called us on!


  1. How exciting! Can't wait to see what God does!


  2. I'm so excited for your family! :0) I echo your many feelings on this faith-venture. How amazing to know with such certainty that this is where God is opening your next door! What a testimony-to choose to minister during this time rather than to just sit around waiting. Thank you for continuing to be "hands and feet", even as you walk into the unknown.
    May God continue to bless you and keep you as you begin this journey for His glory! :0)
